Water meter movement common failure causes and solutions

With the progress of society and the continuous improvement of human pursuit of working environment and quality of life, people’s quality requirements for water meter movement are also constantly improving. Although the water industry is developing rapidly, it is relatively backward in the meter measurement of tap water, and the original mechanical pointer water meter has been used in the past hundred years, and there are many difficulties in the meter reading work that are difficult to predict. Ordinary mechanical water meters can be basically divided into dry type, wet type, rotor type and spiral type four. The basic working principle is to drive the gear in the water meter through the power generated by the flow of tap water, and the water meter surface pointer rotates under the drive of the gear, thus showing the water consumption, the principle is similar to that of a mechanical watch. Its use is very wide, the main reason is that the price is relatively low, the measurement is relatively accurate. The following briefly introduces the common faults, causes and solutions of water meters.

First. The meter rotates when no water is used

1. The fault causes are as follows

(1) The pressure fluctuation of the pipe network is too large;

(2) The distance between the water meter and the main pipeline is too close;

(3) centralized installation of water meters, water hammer action when adjacent users use water;

(4) There is leakage in the pipe network after the table;

(5) No special check valve is installed before the water saving meter or the upper return valve is stuck and cannot be reset;

(6) After the table, the pipe network has a blind pipe to form an air column:

2. The solution is as follows

(1) Rotation is a common regional phenomenon, it may be that the local water pressure is too high and the fluctuation is too large, it is recommended to install a elastic check valve or replace a water meter with poor sensitivity;

(2) If rotation is an individual or a few phenomena, the rotation of the water meter should be checked; If it is not intermittent uniform rotation, there is generally leakage in the pipe network behind the table; If it is intermittent rotation, check whether the installation position of the water meter is too close to the main pipeline or centralized installation, and whether there is a pipe network behind the meter to form an air column;

(3) If the water-saving meter installed with the check valve has rotation phenomenon, the air in the pipe network behind the meter should be drained and the debris in the check valve should be removed. If the water meter is still evenly rotating after treatment, it indicates that there is leakage in the pipe network behind the meter. If the user is inconvenient to maintain, it is recommended to close the main valve before or after the meter when no water is used.

Second, the sensitivity is not good or the water meter does not go

1. The fault causes are as follows

(1) Debris in the pipe network remains stuck;

(2) the top is loose or the water meter is overloaded, and the wear is too large;

(3) the counter gear is stuck;

(4) The water meter is overloaded, and the moving components are damaged and cannot be driven.

2. The solution is as follows

(1) Install the filter;

(2) Disassemble the movement and tighten the center, and the water meter is strictly prohibited from overload;

(3) Check whether the gear is broken, whether the gear has burrs and missing teeth;

(4) Remove the table to clean and replace the damaged parts or change the table.

Three. Word wheel does not carry

1. The fault causes are as follows

(1) Gear, pot rod broken out of gear.

2. The solution is as follows

(1) word wheel drive pinion stuck to replace the counter or a new table.

Four. Pointer off

1. The fault causes are as follows

(1) The pointer is not tightly matched with the gear shaft, and the vibration falls off;

(2) there is no water on the surface, and there is a water hammer effect in the pipe network, flushing the pointer;

(3) The pointer is not installed in place.

2. The solution is as follows

(1) Disassemble the water meter and reinstall the pointer and calibrate the meter or change the meter;

(2) Open the water meter and fill the glass under the meter with water.
