T3-1-2-K 夹层式超声波水表

T3-1-2-K Sandwich-type Ultrasonic Water Meter (DN50-150)

The highly integrated T3-1-2-K sandwich-type ultrasonic water meter is designed and manufactured strictly according to GB/T778.1-2007,ISO4064-1:2005 etc. based on ultrasound transit-time measurement technology.

自验收之日起一 (1) 年内,所有仪表均保证无工艺和材料缺陷。

    Parts Description
    T3-1-2-K ultrasonic water meter has wired type as standard configuration, wireless type need to be customized.
















    Menu Instruction

    Operation Method
    Water meter is equipped with two touch keys “ ▲ ” and “ ▶︎ “, slide from “ ▲ ” to “▶︎ ” is “ ▲▶︎” key to edit, slide from “▶︎” to “▲” is the key to quit.
    Formula: up click ”▲”is up: down click ”▶︎ ”is down;
    Slide from up to down ”▲▶︎” is modification : Slide from down to up ”▶︎▲” is quit.
    Windows Display lnstructior
    Windows: No.Windows Functions
    Main Menu:
    M01:Display net cumulative and instantaneous flow
    M02:Display supply and return water temperature and temperature difference.
    M03:Calendar, display date and week on first line, display hour and minute on second line.
    M04:Display signal strength and error code on first line, display voltage and temperature on second line.
    M05:Calibration Menu
    M06:Batch Controller(lrrigation controller)
    M07:Display ESN and software version
    Water meter includes 5 kinds of menus: main menu, secondary menu 1, secondary menu 2. batch control menu and time-accumulated menu. You can enter any menus by the modification key “▲▶︎”

    On M01. press “▲▶︎” to access month cumulative flow
    On M03. press“▲▶︎”to access secondarv menu 1(M10~M19)
    On M19 of secondary menu 1 press “▲▶︎ ” to access secondary menu 2 (M20-M2A).
    On M04. press“▲▶︎”to access day cumulative flow.
    On M05(start-stop calibration state). press “▲▶︎” to access constant-current method calibration state
    On M06, press “▲▶︎” to access batch control and time-accumulative menu (M30~M3C).

    Calibration Method

    Our water meter is calibrated via constant-current method.

    Constant-current method is to make the calibration device (standard water meter) and testerwater meter into stable flow state at a set flow point. calibrate the water meter by measuringaccumulative flow at the same time.
    Different calibration methods may cause the error. lf vou use start-stop method to calibrateour water meter it may cause error, Pls try to extend the calibrate time when vou use start-stormethod to calibrate our water meter. make sure the dura-tion of each turn on time should bemore than 60 seconds at least. The less time you calibrate, then bigger error you will get
    Installation Instructions
    When install the water meter, the upstream straight pipe line should be ≥5D, downstream straight pipe lineshould be ≥3D,
    20D from the pump(D is the pipe diameter), and the water should be full of pipe lines.

